Saturday 20 October 2012

E-commerce and the Arab World - a Question of Good Decisions

Arabic is arguably the key language for companies wishing to access the lucrative Middle East but there is a definite and general neglect of other Eurasian languages. If you are a small e-commerce start up looking to make the popular leap east and go beyond the European/Asian commerce divide there is one key language market that should definitely snatch your attention – and that is the Turkish market. The nation’s
geographically significant position on the border between Asia and Europe makes it a proverbial transit gateway that negates the tense relationship between the Islamic world and the Western world – a role that should not be underestimated in the current climate. With regards to business relations, this buffer area is a valuable market in its own right and small-to-medium sized e-commerce businesses should use it as a preliminary base. It makes for an exciting launch pad at the cusp of any young company’s Arabic, affluent dream.
 However a question must be asked: what is the key to ensuring this procedure is triumphant in preparing your business for a full Arabic business invasion? There is no easy way to answer that but one certainty for any undersized business enduring this venture into the unknown is that language has a key part to play; an absolutely invaluable part to play. Therefore, securing the services of a high quality London translation agency should be high on the ‘to do’ list of any young British e-commerce company looking to venture east.
 Arabic website, document, technical, marketing and advertising translation can all be conducted to this highest quality if you pick out a reputable translation agency London from our nation’s capital. From there, operations can be carefully and meticulously implemented through Turkish scenarios. The heavy Arabic presence in Turkey – and the comparable affluence of the nation’s consumers – makes it a very useful test zone for e-commerce companies wishing to measure the viability and effectiveness of their Arabic operations before descending on vital theatres such as the UAE and Bahrain.
Financially speaking, things are extremely harsh for everyone in the current climate – especially new businesses – but the key to escaping the clutches of monetary meltdown is to maintain a process of lateral thinking and assured decision making. Don’t let your business get caught into the bad habits of your nearest competitors - think outside the box and reap the rewards of doing so. Indeed, for small e-commerce businesses it is a wise decision to breach the Arabic market, just make sure you go about things the right way.

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