Wednesday, 1 August 2012

What Does Conference Interpreting Involve?

How is it that you can have a successful and productive meeting or conference when so many of those involved speak different languages? As much as some people rue the fact, business and commerce does not have one all encompassing universal language, which is why the services of court interpreters are frequently in demand. 

Conference interpreting is carried out by specialized linguists who will already have a background in the general profession of interpreting. They will interpret the words of a conference speaker to all or a section of listeners in a manner that packages the message perfectly to the audience in question, maintaining the accuracy, details and sentiment of what is being said while also shaping it to fit the target language.

As with most forms of professional interpreting, conference interpreting is extremely demanding. Completely fluency in whichever language is foreign to an interpreter – source or target – is a prerequisite taken for granted in all conference interpreters, and they will have at least degree-level qualifications in studying that language. A translator being a native speaker of the target language isn’t essential as is the case in much of the translation industry, but it is essential that they know in detail the subtle nuances and culture surrounding that language so as to interpret what is being said with the utmost accuracy.

Something that conference interpreters do share with their linguistical counterparts in translation and interpreting is their specialised knowledge relevant to the topic. Obviously, the scope of conference interpreting is more often than not going to be broader than say, a specific brand of legal translation, but still a conference interpreter must have astute business and commercial knowledge that allows them to deal with industry-specific terminology and jargon that a speaker might use.

It goes without saying that the proceedings at most conferences are going to unfold in a prompt, to-the-point and formal manner – regularly entering the realms of a high intensity environment in which discussion and debate could even become heated. Speed, awareness and alertness is thus crucial to the way an interpreter operates, meaning that to obtain the best results conference interpreters usually operate in a team in which each carries out an allotted shift. Members of this team will be selected according to relevant skills they possess, with consultant interpreters overseeing the overall running of the operation.

No one in the conference interpreting profession can afford to be intimidated by the enormity of an occasion. If interpreters are involved in a conference, the likelihood is that it is a significant event attended by businessmen, professionals or even foreign diplomats. The subject of a conference could range from sales meetings, industry association gatherings, official state visits or negotiations between bordering countries. Thankfully, the wealth of knowledge and experience that conference interpreters possess fully equips them for such a high pressure task. Read more about conference interpreting services.

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